William Giovinazzo

Contributing writer

A Book Review: “A Bell for Adano”

December 2023
L'articolo descrive il libro A Bell for Adano di John Hersey. Il libro descrive la vita di Victor Joppolo, un italo-americano nell'esercito americano. Joppolo deve governare e controllare il paese di Adano durante la guerra. Anche se la storia è...

A Book Review: “Raphael, Painter in Rome”

November 2023
Why does Michelangelo always get to be the hero? That is the opening line to “Raphael, Painter in Rome” by Stephanie Storey. Ironically, Michelangelo is the hero of her previously published work, “Oil and Marble: A Novel of Leonardo and...

Marcus Aurelius, Philosopher King?

November 2023
Have you ever seen the movie “Gladiator”? It begins with an exciting battle between the Romans and Germanic tribes. There are massive dart launchers and catapults that throw balls of flame that explode when they hit the trees under which the...

A Book Review: The Leopard by Giuseppe di Lampedusa

October 2023
For each culture, certain books are required reading. For Italians and Italian Americans, in addition to Dante’s "La Divina Comedia", there is Giuseppe di Lampedusa’s work, "The Leopard". Through their telling of history, they provide unique...

Book Review: "A Farewell to Arms"

September 2023
Questo è un riassunto del libro “Addio alle Armi” di Ernest Hemingway. Il libro è considerato "un classico" perché fu scritto più di cento anni fa. La storia racconta la relazione tra il tenente Frederick Henry e Catherine Barkley. Henry è un...

Tony Bennett

September 2023
A luglio, è morto Tony Bennett, il cantante famosissimo in tutto il mondo. Bennett, come Frank Sinatra, era un "crooner", un tipo di cantante che canta canzoni sentimentali con voce bassa e tranquilla. Bennett è nato nel 1956 a New York. Ha...

Great Italians: Giuseppe Garibaldi

June 2023
In the book “How to Be a Stoic”, Massimo Pigliucci discusses the highly inflated use of the word hero. Although many apply the term simply to someone they admire, the word hero means much more than that. As Joseph Campbell said, “a hero is someone...

Brunelleschi’s Dome

May 2023
One of the many wonderful things to do when visiting Italy is to admire the architecture, the Pantheon, Villa d’Este, Pisa’s Tower, and, of course, the Vatican. As you wander through these marvels, you cannot help but be impressed by their beauty...

Great Italians: Saint Francis of Assisi

May 2023
San Francesco d'Assisi è un santo cattolico ben noto ai cattolici. Francesco ebbe una vita difficile, povera e semplice. Nel 1202 fu prigioniero di guerra. Dopo il suo rilascio, fece diversi lavoro per donare denaro alla Chiesa. Nel 1209, con il...

Great Italians: Rita Levi-Montalcini

April 2023
This month we have just emerged from awards season, that period between November and February when all the rich and famous people congratulate one another. The Grammy Awards. The American Music Awards. The People’s Choice Awards. And, of course,...

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