Warren Italian American Heritage Festival

The Culture Tent has always been one of the popular attractions at the recently concluded Warren Ohio Italian American Heritage Festival. Think: museum, classroom, and gathering place for festival attendees. In a sense, this is the heart of the Warren festa. It is staffed by volunteer docents under the guidance of Rosanne Dando, archivist and curator. 

Here, older attendees renew friendships begun in neighborhoods that no longer exit. And youngsters learn about the traditions immigrants brought with them and what Italy has contributed to world culture. Looking for your ancestor’s birth village or town? This is the place where assistance is available. As always, the Culture Tent is where to find La Gazzetta at the celebration. Book sales and engaging displays make the huge tent the not-to-miss spot in the festivities. 

Many of the beautiful displays were gifted to the Festival by Mary Ann Napolitan Kiefer, an instructor in Italian.