Commemorating Good Friday in Italy

Il Venerdì Santo è il primo giorno del triduo pasquale. Durante la Settimana Santa ed in particolare il Venerdì Santo, ogni regione italiana celebra, secondo le proprie tradizioni, il ciclo e la rievocazione della Passione e della Morte di Cristo. Nel tempo della Passione il tradimento, la cattura e la crocifissione di Gesù Cristo sono rievocati con solenni cortei in cui sono teatralmente riproposti da personaggi in costume gli episodi canonici della Passione del Cristo, della cattura nell’orto di Getsemani, della crocifissione, fino alla esibizione dei simboli materiali tradizionalmente collegati alla sua morte, come i chiodi, il martello, la spugna, i flagelli, la corona di spine e la croce. Le manifestazioni religiose pasquali sono molto numerose e suggestive ed in alcuni luoghi sono le feste folcloristiche più emozionanti e coinvolgenti del periodo primaverile.

The month of March brings not only cold snows and harsh winds, but joyful festivities as well. Multiple areas around the world take part in an observance called Good Friday. Good Friday is a religious observance that is honored by solemn ceremonies and gentle traditions. In Italy, where celebrating religious holidays and observances is a popular tradition with numerous individuals, this day is often explored with old customs.

Although Good Friday is not a national public holiday, Italians may still take to the streets to honor this day by worshiping certain symbolism in association with this day. It is a notable day in Italy and in many other places across the globe. This occasion specifically commemorates both Jesus’ crucifixion and death in accordance to the Christian bible. Typically after Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday follow closely behind.

In Italy, this day is known as Venerdì Santo, or Holy Friday. There are a couple ways in which this day is honored in Italy, including the consumption of a fish-only diet while participating in the fast of Good Friday. Some participating churches may cover their statues in dark cloaks or sheets, and religious symbols such as the cross as celebrated. Processions and parades may take place as well.

Other countries celebrate this day differently. Even the day in which Good Friday is observed varies between Eastern and Western Christian countries. Some activities may be banned on this day, while other countries hold special parades and processions. Certain prayer services and celebrations may also take place during Good Friday, depending on where one lives.

Even if an individual is not religious, Good Friday is still a well-known observance that can be used to treasure the beauty of old architect and art from older eras that celebrate the culture of Christianity. After this day, Easter follows closely behind. Good Friday is usually the Friday before Easter, so the date will move each year. Good Friday will be taking place on March 30 in 2018, and the day is just around the corner.