La Gazzetta Italiana
"Lettuce" Enjoy the Cardini Caesar Salad!
March 2017
Caesar (Cesare) Cardini and his brother and business partner, Alex (Alessandro), invented the Caesar’s Salad in 1924 at their hotel in Tijuana, Mexico. The combination of romaine lettuce dressed with olive oil, lemon juice, Worcestershire...
Petrosino, The Crime Buster
March 2017
Giuseppe Petrosino was a New York Mafia-busting policeman who was murdered March 12, 1909 in Sicily during what was supposed to be a top secret, undercover fact-finding mission. An informant asked for a meeting at the piazza in Palermo and, while...
Zacchini was a Big-Shot
March 2017
Ildebrando Zacchini (1868-1948) was a Maltese-born painter, inventor and circus owner. Zacchini contrived an idea of a cannon that could be used to propel parachutes. He took his plan to the Italian government as a military maneuver, however the...
Italy's economy continues to struggle
March 2017
Italy’s economy continues to struggle. Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan says the economy stalled in 2016, largely due to the negative impact of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union. Confidence has also been lacking because of...
Italy managed to recover 19 billion euros in its fight against tax evasion
March 2017
Finance Minister Padoan says that Italy managed to recover a record 19 billion euros in its fight against tax evasion stating (according to the news agency Ansa) that “the government does not wink at the evaders, but at the honest companies...
The amphitheater in Verona will get a giant retractable tarpaulin cover
March 2017
The amphitheater in Verona will get a giant retractable tarpaulin cover to protect theater goers from the weather elements. The cover will cost 13.5 million euros and should be in place within the next three years. Almost 90 groups bid on the...
Pope Francis joked: "I am not on tranquillizers."
March 2017
Pope Francis joked: “I am not on tranquillizers.” He shrugged off any concern about recent feelings of anxiety inside the Vatican, insisting he is losing no sleep of the infighting among those opposed to his church reforms and...
1.4 million Muslims living In Italy but Islam is not formally recognized
March 2017
There are 1.4 million Muslims living In Italy but Islam is not formally recognized in the country. Mosques do not receive public funds, Islamic weddings have no legal value and Muslim workers aren’t entitled to take days off for religious...
Vagli di Sotto (LU) - A statue of President Donald Trump in the "Park of Honor and Dishonor"
March 2017
The small town Vagli di Sotto, province of Lucca in the Toscana region, will erect a marble statue of President Donald Trump in their “Park of Honor and Dishonor.” "Initially the work will be put in the centre of the park: it's for...
Franca Sozzani: Brilliantly Disturbing
February 2017
Si è recentemente spenta a soli 66 anni Franca Sozzani, la “signora italiana della moda”. Il mondo delle passerelle piange la scomparsa della storica direttrice di Vogue Italia, deceduta per una grave malattia contro cui ha...