Tom Feran

State Historical Marker Honors Italian Immigrant Sculptors

June 2023
L'articolo parla della scultura “Scultori Dei Guardiani” a Cleveland, costruita da immigrati italiani. La città di Cleveland ha recentemente dedicato una targa scritta nei mattoni con il nome della scultura nella lingua italiana ed in inglese. C'è...

Pete Pucella: A Lifesaver for Famed Author

November 2022
Acclaimed author Salman Rushdie will spend the rest of his life recovering from the injuries he suffered in a savage knife attack on Aug. 12 at the Chautauqua Institution in New York state. The fact that he survived at all is due in large part to...

Cleveland Guardians' Name Stirring Italian Pride

April 2022
Cleveland’s Major League Baseball team did more than spotlight a piece of local history when it changed its name to the Guardians after the 2021 season. The renaming also shined light on a point of pride for the area’s Italian American...