Naples Mayor bans fireworks Near Year’s Eve

The mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, signed an unprecedented ordinance for the Campania capital which imposed “a ban on the use of fireworks, firecrackers, barrels, rockets, and similar pyrotechnic devices throughout the city this past Near Year’s Eve. Violators of the prohibition were subject to fees between € 25 and € 500. The reason for the ban was to avoid unnecessary injuries related to pyrotechnic use that may influx hospitalizations creating a “particular vulnerability for health professionals already tried so much by months of pandemic.” The mayor’s decision was to “implement all possible actions to avoid further congesting emergency rooms.” Naples is known for its New Year’s Eve fireworks displays. Other Italian cities, including Rome, followed suit with similar bans. However, the bans were widely ignored, and skies were still lit up with displays throughout the evening. 

Il sindaco di Napoli, Gaetano Manfredi, ha firmato un’ordinanza per la città di Napoli mai era stato fatto in passato. Ha imposto un divieto sull’uso dei fuochi d’artificio, petardi, razzi, e simili dispositivi pirotecnici nella notte del 31 dicembre. I trasgressori avrebbero preso una multa tra 25 € a 500€. Secondo Manfredi, il divieto era necessario perché voleva diminuire le incidenti che sarebbero accaduti perché gli ospedali ed i pronti soccorsi già sono affolati con le pazienti del virus. Napoli è conosciuta per gli spettacoli pirotecnici di Capodanno. Altre città, inclusa Roma, aveva gli stessi vietati. Malgrado l'ordinanza furono tanti spettacoli nei cieli quella sera.