Local Authors Hit the Barnes and Noble Shelves

È approdato lo scorso giugno sugli scaffali dei negozi di Barnes and Noble il romanzo Now You See Her, nato dalla collaborazione a quattro mani di Lisa Leighton e Laura Stropki, due sorelle  italo americane che vivono nell’area di Cleveland. Il lato materno della loro famiglia proviene da Goriano Sicoli, in Abruzzo. Per chi desidera distrarsi con un thriller di facile lettura, con il divertente ed intrigante mistero di una ragazza che scambia la propria identità con quella della sua rivale di tennis dopo un incidente e che ora deve svelare i segreti del loro impossibile legame, Now You See Her è un libro che non deluderà.

Every once in a while, you come across a book that makes you smile – not because it’s cute or funny or even gives you happy thoughts, but because it is so much fun to read. That’s what “Now You See Her” does for its readers. It is a fast-paced and thrilling mystery about a girl who switches bodies with her tennis rival after an accident and must now unravel the secrets of their impossible connection. Amelia has always felt like happiness is a serve she can’t return, a ball just out of reach. And now, in her senior year, right before tennis season, her mom wants to move—again.

Sophie has a perfectly curated, Instagram-ready life. From her first singles win to her hot long-term boyfriend to the beautiful landscaped home where she lives with her parents, Sophie is everything Amelia wishes she could hate.

But one night changes everything. When a man tries to abduct Amelia after her car breaks down during a storm, Amelia attempts to escape…into incoming traffic. And in one inexplicable moment, they switch bodies.

Amelia wakes up in Sophie’s body. Amelia’s body is in a coma. Now Amelia needs to find a way back into her own life, but first, she must retrace her steps to unravel the mystery of the accident, her attempted abduction and how it’s all tied to her mother’s secret past.

While this novel is geared towards the Young Adult audience, readers of all ages will enjoy the twists and turns brought to you by Lisa Leighton and Laura Stropki, two Italian American sisters who live in the Cleveland area. The maternal side of their family hails from Goriano Sicoli in the Abruzzo region of Italy. The duo has been writing on-and-off for years and after this book, we certainly hope they stay on. “Now You See Her” hit the shelves in Barnes and Noble stores this past June and the writers couldn’t be more excited. Their goal is to “write the kind of books we would have stayed up all night reading” and they certainly have succeeded. If you are looking for a quick, page-turning thriller, the kind that makes you ignore your laundry, house cleaning and kids for the day, “Now You See Her” is for you!