
Grandiose Villas of Palermo

March 2023 |
Many a grandiose villa rises in the borgate (small suburbs) encircling Palermo. The majestic summer residences desired by the Palermo aristocracy for their location closer to the seaside than that of their imposing in-town palazzi are noble...

An Umbria January

January 2023 |
Prosciutto, pancetta, salami, salsicce, coppa, barbozza. The names unite in an enticing rhythm, so appealing to your ear. Even if you are a vegetarian.  Recently, I dropped in at the house of my Umbrian rural neighbors Peppe and Gentile. I...

What do Penelope Cruz, Ferrari and the Oldest Hotel in Italy Have in Common?

December 2022 |
It often happens in Italy. You stop in a little, seemingly unremarkable town, and you discover somewhere charming and fascinating. So it was with my recent stay in Reggio Emilia. For a start, you wouldn’t ever think that the oldest hotel in Italy...

A Piero della Francesca Masterpiece in Monterchi

November 2022 |
A Monterchi, cittadina del sud della Toscana, le donne incinte possono entrare gratuitamente nei musei. In questa città si trova il capolavoro di Piero della Francesca: "Madonna del Parto". L'affresco raffigura la Madonna nelle ultime settimane di...

Alba's Tartufo

October 2022 |
October and November are tartufo (truffle) season in Piemonte in northwest Italia. I was studying Italian in Torino in early October last year and joined a few classmates one weekend. We took a train from Torino to Alba, famous for its truffle...

Todi's Piazza del Popolo

October 2022 |
L’articolo parla del Duomo di Todi in Piazza del Popolo in un piccolo paese dell'Umbria. Questo paese è ricco di storia e di statue antiche. La scrittrice descrive il Palazzo dei Priori, costruito nel 14o secolo ed i sei rioni che si trovano alle...

The Violin Museum in Cremona, Italy

September 2022 |
When I visit Italy, I balance my time with research, travel, studying Italian, and learning about Italy’s many contributions to art, culture, science, and history. One of the highlights [on a previous visit] was returning to Cremona to tour the...

Assisi's War Cemetery: Leaving with Gratitude

September 2022 |
Assisi spreads out serenely on the hill backdropping the Assisi War Cemetery where over 900 white tombstones stand stalwartly in straight, evenly spaced rows; like the rows of the proud soldiers buried there who had once marched straight and tall,...

Orvieto: Art and History Abound

August 2022 |
L’articolo descrive i posti religiosi da visitare nella città Orvieto in Umbria. La scrittrice descrive il Duomo e la sua storia religiosa. Descrive anche la Cappella di San Brizio, dove si trova un affresco di Luca Signorelli, che si chiama...
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