History & culture

Commemorating Good Friday in Italy

March 2018 |
Il Venerdì Santo è il primo giorno del triduo pasquale. Durante la Settimana Santa ed in particolare il Venerdì Santo, ogni regione italiana celebra, secondo le proprie tradizioni, il ciclo e la rievocazione della Passione e della Morte di Cristo....

The Ides of March

March 2018 |
Con il termine “idi”, i romani si riferivano al 13 o al 15 del mese, secondo il particolare calendario giuliano introdotto nel 45 a.C., il quale prevedeva tre date fisse per ciascun mese, in base a cui venivano stabiliti i restanti giorni. In...

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Italy!

March 2018 |
In Italia, la festa di San Patrizio si festeggia nei pub irlandesi oppure partecipando ai tanti eventi organizzati nelle principali città italiane. Da Milano a Bari, passando per Torino, Bologna, Parma, Pesaro, Napoli, Padova, Portomaggiore,...

Sculpture in Siena before the Plague

March 2018 |
In the 1300s, Italy was not Italy as we know it today. The peninsula was divided into city-states in which independent oligarchies governed their individual territories. The period saw the generally sustained growth of thriving urban centers...

Commemorating Caesar: Rome's Celebration during the Ides of March

March 2018 |
While there are numerous Italian festivals that often celebrate fun, religion, or saints, other festivals are used to mark certain days that left a huge impact on Italian culture. Although the start of spring was originally celebrated on March 15,...

Saint Valentine of Rome: A Name of Many Legends

February 2018 |
Saint Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and the name of the saint associated with this day has a history far more complicated than one would expect. Although the holiday is now known for hearts, love letters and baskets full of gifts and...

Europe's Next Pivotal Election

February 2018 |
Lo scorso 28 dicembre il Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, dopo una consultazione con i Presidenti dei due rami del Parlamento, ai sensi dell’articolo 88 della Costituzione, ha firmato il decreto di scioglimento del Senato della...

Messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella

February 2018 |
On December 31, in his first year-end message, President Sergio Mattarella spoke to his fellow citizens in Italy and abroad, stressing individual responsibility in every sector and pointing to unemployment as the most critical social issue. The...

Loving the Italian Way

February 2018 |
Love is all around us. We share this love with our family, our friends and our significant others. In English, we normally express this affection with the standard “I love you.” We use these same three words with a sister, a husband or a close...
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