History & culture

Universal Judgement: Michelangelo and the Secrets of the Sistine Chapel

June 2018 |
From the opening and closing ceremonies of multiple Olympic games to the Sistine Chapel and plenty of productions in between, Marco Balich has wowed audiences by “creating shows that amaze and speak to people’s hearts.” If you happened to catch the...

Buon Onomastico, The Italian Name Day

June 2018 |
Besides their birthday, many Italians also celebrate their onomastico. This term, which in English translates to “name-day,” derives from the Greek verb onomázein - chiamare per nome (to call by name). The onomastico has a strong religious...

A Renaissance Tabernacle Frame

May 2018 |
Displayed in the Renaissance galleries of the Cleveland Museum of Art is a marble, frame-like, relief sculpture, Italian in origin, depicting two angels facing a central opening or portal. It dates to about 1480 to 1500. The marble is beautifully...

Calendimaggio: Recreating Medieval Battles in Modern Italy

May 2018 |
Il Medioevo rivive ad Assisi ogni anno durante la prima settimana di maggio, in occasione della festa del Calendimaggio. La manifestazione riporta in vita tradizioni, usanze passate e riti propiziatori pagani che celebravano il ritorno della...

Illuminations for Ferrara Cathedral

April 2018 |
Two magnificently illuminated manuscript pages are preserved in the Cleveland Museum of Art.  Their dimensions and style of decoration indicate that they were detached at some point in their history from an important set of choir books....

Italian Voters Opt for Anti-Establishment Parties

April 2018 |
After the Italian parliament was dissolved by President Sergio Mattarella last December, a pivotal election for the country, and Europe as a whole, was set into motion. Italy’s general election, the first national election since 2013, was held on...

Be Bold, Be Beautiful, Be Italian

April 2018 |
In a world where people are judging by the color of our skin or the accent in our voices, be Italian. In our neighborhoods where families don’t always eat together and everyone stays inside, be Italian. At work where everyone is eating bologna...

Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination

April 2018 |
Il Vaticano darà in prestito circa quaranta oggetti ecclesiastici al Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York per una mostra incentrata sull’impatto della religione cattolica sulla moda. Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination...

Ciao, I Am No Longer Your Slave

April 2018 |
In Italian, we salute family and friends with the casual greeting “ciao”. We express this four-letter word interchangeably to indicate both “hello” and “goodbye.” Many times, we also use it as a parting salutation with the echoing version “ciao,...
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