History & culture

At the Ferramonti Concentration Camp: Three Synagogues, High Holy Days and Bed Sheet Brides

August 2021 |
L’articolo descrive di un campo di concentramento a Ferramonti nel sud italia in cui due rabbini celebravano i matrimoni dove le spose misero i vestiti fatti di lenzuole e zanzariere. I rabbini aiutarono con le nascite di 21 bambini. I detenuti...

Eighteenth-Century Views of Rome: The Art of Giovanni Paolo Panini and Giovanni Battista Piranesi

August 2021 |
Giovanni Paolo Panini e Giovanni Battista Piranesi furono due degli artisti più bravi durante il diciottesimo secolo. Questi artisti dipinsero la città di Roma. Panini nacque a Piacenza. Fu fortemente affascinato dall’architettura romana e dalla...

NIAF Provides More Than Quarter of a Million Dollars in Scholarships and Fellowships in 2021 

July 2021 |
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is pleased to announce it has awarded more than a quarter of a million dollars in direct aid to outstanding Italian Americans in 2021 alone. “As the premier Italian American organization, we are very...

Una Connessione con la Cultura

July 2021 |
In quest’articolo, lo scrittore Chris Althouse descrive le ragioni per cui studia l’italiano. Lui spiega che i suoi bis-bisnonni sono immigrati dall’Italia. Lui aveva solo poche informazioni della sua eredita’. Quando ha cominciato i suoi studi...

NIAF Names Robert Allegrini as President

July 2021 |
This past May, the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) announced and welcomed its new president, Robert V. Allegrini. Mr. Allegrini is a public relations and hospitality executive, author, civic leader and diplomat who brings a wealth of...

Artistic and Artisan Heritage of the Assisi Textiles

July 2021 |
“There isn’t a day that I don’t have a needle in my hand,” Antonietta told me as we talked about her passione for the embroidery of the punto Assisi (the Assisi stitch). She grew up with a passion for the punto Assisi as her mother created textile...

Tombs as Collective Memory: Santa Croce, Ugo Foscolo and Dei Sepolcri

July 2021 |
Quest’articolo descrive la Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze. Questa basilica ha diversi tombe, monumenti, e opere artistiche. Per esempio il poeta Ugo Foscolo, malgrado il fatto nacque in Grecia, fu seppellito nella basilica perché fu un uomo ben...

The Italian Immigrant

June 2021 |
What images come to mind when someone mentions Italian immigrants to the United States? If you are like most people, myself included, you imagine steamships and the early 1900s. Typically, what I envision is the iconic scene in “The Godfather, Part...

Mondo Stray

June 2021 |
In large Italian cities you may notice dogs with owners in tow, often breeds that may be considered “designer” or “pure bread.” Rarely, however, do you see stray dogs roaming. In 2010, Fiona Cole and Carlo Cesario rescued their dog, Dino...
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