History & culture

From Casa Guidi Windows: The Brownings in Florence

October 2021 |
Quest’articolo descrive Firenze nel 19esimo secolo. La città di Firenze fu una città descritta in parecchi libri di vari autori inglesi che espatriarono a Firenze dall'Inghilterra. Alcuni degli scrittori e poeti più conosciuti furono: Charles...

Trailblazing Leadership, Record Growth & Digital Unveiling Define ISDA 45

September 2021 |
Robust financial and membership growth, trendsetting digital initiatives, and the reelection of Basil Russo were just a few highlights from ISDA's 45th National Biennial Convention.Ninety-one years have passed since ISDA was founded, 45 National...

Artist Timothy Schmalz Honors Dante

September 2021 |
For over 25 years, Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz has been sculpting large scale sculptures. He is a figurative artist with his pieces installed worldwide. Some of his most reputed pieces are installed in historical churches in Rome and at the...

100 Days of Dante

September 2021 |
This September 14 will be the 700th anniversary of the death of the greatest poet of western literature, Dante Alighieri.  The claim of Dante's position in literature is more than the assertions of an Italophile. Eric Auerbach, the author of...

Maintaining Italian Culture with Food

September 2021 |
When learning a new language, you inherently are exposed to an entirely new culture right before your eyes. This has been something that has interested me since I first started dabbling with languages in middle school. Linguistics seemed to open a...

Italy’s Fatal Gift of Beauty: The Stendhal Syndrome

September 2021 |
L’articolo parla dello scrittore Marie-Henri Beyle, più conosciuto con lo pseudonimo Stendhal. Stendhal fu innamorato dell’italia e viaggiò dappertutto l’italia. Nel 1817, pubblicò i suoi pensieri sulla peninsula in un libro. Parlò delle cattedrali...

NIAF’s 2021 Region of Honor: Abruzzo

August 2021 |
In June of this year, the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) announced its 2021 Region of Honor: Abruzzo. Each year, NIAF collaborates with a region in Italy by promoting its culture, business and tourism in the U.S., while also traveling...

The Waldensians of Italy

August 2021 |
Quest’articolo parla di un gruppo religioso che fu separato dalla chiesa Cattolica prima della Riforma. Questo gruppo si chiama i Valdesi. Vissero nelle montagne Piemontesi. I Valdesi furono scomunicati dal Papa nel dodicesimo secolo perché furono...

Una Connessione con la Cultura

August 2021 |
As I continue my Italian Studies at Dickinson College, I love to immerse myself in my Italian culture any way that I can. I have been particularly interested in the differences between Italian and American life for young people, with particular...
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