News from italy

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has pledged to get rid of Italy’s millions of slot machines

October 2016 |
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has pledged to get rid of Italy’s millions of slot machines. Despite an important source to government coffers, state and regions claim the social consequences cannot be ignored. The government reported as many as...

Time clock dodgers in Siracusa, Sicily will be charged with fraud

October 2016 |
Time clock dodgers in Siracusa, Sicily will be charged with fraud according to Italy’s finance police. They finished an investigation which revealed 29 public service employees skipped work an average of 40 percent of the time. During this...

Young people will receive a "culture bonus" of 500 euro

October 2016 |
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the Italian government have created a scheme to encourage young people to read more, spend more time in museums, attend the theatre, and visit some of the country’s national parks. Italian citizens turning 18...

Museum officials are urging donations to survive and develop

October 2016 |
Museum officials are urging donations from private sectors to survive and develop. Government monies are not enough to safeguard and maintain various ancient ruins, artwork and palazzi. “Private donors and patronage, especially for...

Cast Your Vote - From Italy

September 2016 |
Votare per il Presidente degli Stati Uniti è considerato un privilegio ed un dovere civile di tutti i cittadini americani. Nella Costituzione degli Stati Uniti d'America si dichiara che lo Stato è fatto da e per il popolo e per questo...

Pope Francis recently wrapped up his 5-day visit to Poland

September 2016 |
Pope Francis recently wrapped up his 5-day visit to Poland addressing more than one million faithful in a Polish meadow. The pontiff urged the young people not to vegetate with their computers and video games but to set out on new and uncharted...

Almost 1.4 million asylum requests were filed in 2015 in Europe

August 2016 |
The European Asylum Support Office in Brussels reported that almost 1.4 million requests were filed in 2015, the highest number since 2008. Germany, Hungary, Sweden, Austria, and Italy top the list of countries welcoming the highest number of...

Rome’s newly elected Mayor, Virginia Raggi, promises a solution in relocating migrants

August 2016 |
Rome’s newly elected Mayor, Virginia Raggi, promises a solution in relocating dozens of migrants from North Africa and Ethiopia who have been living on the streets. The migrant center where they had been staying was closed due to a court...

Pope Francis met with the parents of 19-year-old Beau Solomon

August 2016 |
Pope Francis met with the parents of 19-year-old Beau Solomon who was the victim of a recent robbery-homicide in Rome. The University of Wisconsin student was in Italy for summer classes at John Cabot University. In a private morning session, Pope...
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