
The Healthy Italian: Italians and Longevity

October 2020 |
Gli italiani più vecchi sono in Sardegna in un villaggio piccolo tra le montagne della Barbagia, nella provincia Ogliastra. Ci sono sette centenari su una popolazione di 2.500 cittadini. In paragone, negli stati uniti, c’è solo un centenario per...

"Made in Italy" by Laura Morelli

July 2020 |
We all may be armchair travelers this year, but we can still travel throughout Italy in the pages of “Made in Italy.” Part Italian history lesson, part insider travel guide, this compact volume takes you inside the towns and villages of Italy where...

Reflections on Italian Lockdown: Will Life Ever Be the Same Again?

July 2020 |
I am longing to be back at my second home in the Veneto after leaving in a hurry just before lockdown occurred in early March. Now that Italy is gradually returning to a semblance of normality, I’m curious to find out how the virus has affected...

The Healthy Italian

June 2020 |
Italy, until surpassed by the U.S. in number of deaths, had been the global epicenter for the Coronavirus pandemic. It is remarkable how the Italian Community came together in this struggle and displayed solidarity with their fellow Italians....

MUST DO: Take a Cooking Class

February 2020 |
Italians pride themselves on their skills in the kitchen. From homemade sauce to preparing a seven-fish feast, all our Nonnas will tell you they are the best cook in the family. For those of us not lucky enough to still have Nonna at the stove...

MUST GO: Join an Italian American Club

January 2020 |
January is a time for resolutions. Lose weight, save more money, exercise, get a new job, and stop smoking top the list for 2020. La Gazzetta Italiana encourages you to add one more item to your list – join an Italian American club. The goal of...

The Healthy Italian

January 2020 |
L’anno nuovo è appena arrivato e con lui l’occasione di iniziarne un altro con un elenco di buoni propositi per stabilire cosa lasciarsi alle spalle e stabilire nuovi obiettivi: cosa cambiare nella vita personale e professionale, quali progetti...

The Healthy Italian

December 2019 |
“A tavola non si invecchia.” At the table, you do not become old. Many people are envious of the way Italians take the time to prepare meals and sit with friends eating and socializing for hours; how they keep in touch with family and friends and...

MUST-DO: Celebrate Christmas Like the Italians

December 2019 |
Il Natale è, molto spesso, la festa più amata dell’anno e forse anche la più sentita. In tutti i luoghi dove si festeggia questa ricorrenza, luminarie di ogni forma e grandezza decorano le vie del centro e della periferia e in tutte le piazze...
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