Danielle Selvaggio

Contributing writer

Vinitaly International Donates Fine Wine to Taste of Hope

July 2018
Vino italiano indiscusso protagonista dell’iniziativa benefica promossa da “Taste of Hope”, società nata nel 2005 che si occupa di raccolta fondi per conto dell’American Cancer Society. L’evento, svoltosi lo scorso 30 aprile a New York, è stato...

Celebrating Republic Day with Italy's Military Performances

June 2018
Il 2 giugno la Repubblica Italiana celebra il 72° anniversario della nascita della nostra nazione attraverso il referendum istituzionale indetto per la prima volta a suffragio universale il 2 e il 3 giugno 1946, con il quale gli italiani vennero...

Italian-born Wrestling Legend Bruno Sammartino Passes Away

June 2018
Si è spento a Pittsburgh Bruno Sammartino, il più celebre e longevo campione dell’era moderna del pro wrestling. Il “leone degli Abruzzi” ha chiuso gli occhi a 82 anni dopo una carriera strepitosa e irripetibile che l’ha portato a detenere il...

LockKeepers: Rich in History and Rich in Taste

June 2018
When considering where to dine on great Italian food, the choices can sometimes be overwhelming; however, if there is one way to make that decision is to consider the history behind great restaurants. LockKeepers is a restaurant with not only great...

Cooking up Culinary Classics ...with Chris

May 2018
Italian cuisine is considered by most one of the best, and the Italian dining experience is like no other. Italian friends and family come together to share an incredible selection of foods and in the process share the rich experience of culture...

Calendimaggio: Recreating Medieval Battles in Modern Italy

May 2018
Il Medioevo rivive ad Assisi ogni anno durante la prima settimana di maggio, in occasione della festa del Calendimaggio. La manifestazione riporta in vita tradizioni, usanze passate e riti propiziatori pagani che celebravano il ritorno della...

Leonardo da Vinci's Impact 500 Years Later

May 2018
This year on May 2 marks the 499th year after the death of Leonardo da Vinci. A famous painter, writer, inventor, architect, and more, da Vinci is known to be one of the most influential figures of the Italian Renaissance. Even today, his artwork...

Exploring Pasqua: Italy's Easter and its Traditions

April 2018
La Pasqua è una ricorrenza molto sentita in Italia giacché il significato religioso commemora la passione, la morte e la resurrezione di Cristo. Per questo motivo,  durante la Settimana Santa, in tutta Italia tantissime città celebrano la...

Adoption Network Cleveland to Host Benefit and Silent Auction at Cibreo Italian Kitchen

April 2018
Adoption Network Cleveland will be celebrating its 30th anniversary with its 2018 Creating Futures Benefit and Silent Auction on Friday, April 20, 2018. It will take place in the Cibreo Italian Kitchen’s Cibreo Privato located on 1501 E. 14th...

Actor, Director Danny DeVito Receives Recognition at L.A. Italia Fest

April 2018
Italian American actor, director, and producer Danny DeVito received the 2018 Jack Valenti Legend Award during the Los Angeles Italia Fest. The festival took place in early March, and numerous individuals of Italian descent were honored throughout...

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