La Gazzetta Italiana

Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari

October 2011
The amazingly talented and humble international superstar returns to Cleveland, on Sunday, October 23rd to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum for a special performance at 7:00 PM! The title of this article may seem to contradict itself....

La Gazzetta September September Wine Issue

September 2011
This month La Gazzetta focuses on the world of winemaking and your most valued Italian vini. How do you enjoy your favorite wines in the United States? Do you import from the homeland or travel to the acres of vineyards in...

These 'Three Tenors' - Barone, Boschetto & Ginoble!

August 2011
Il Volo e' un trio di giovanissimi tenori che si prepara alla notorieta' ed al successo internazionale. Il loro nome si rifa' ad una delle piu' celebri canzoni di Domenico Mudugno "volare". Seppur adolescenti Il Volo si sono gia' esibiti in eventi...

Wines of Summer

July 2011
Con l'estate che fiorisce fioriscono anche i nostri giardini, la natura si risveglia e con lei anche i sapori. Quali sono i ‘vini per l'estate'? Quali sono i migliori abbinamenti e, quail sono i vini piu' consigliati? La parola al...

LaGazzetta on Facebook

July 2011
Looking for ways to connect with the Italian-American community this summer? It's now festival season and we would like to share with you some of the events that are happening around your community. Social media and the events page on Facebook is...

Italian Consulate in Detroit and the Italian Cultural Garden Foundation commemorate the 65th Anniversary of the Republic of Italy

June 2011
June 2, 2011 marks the 65th Anniversary of the Republic of Italy. On that day, millions of Italians, in the motherland and abroad, will pause to solemnly commemorate a day which, perhaps distant in time, is still fervently held in the hearts and...

Italy and the Midwest - Business Connections

May 2011
Great success for the April 7th event focused on business opportunities between Italy and Ohio On April 7th, a day-long event dedicated to the topic, "Italy and the Midwest: Business Connections", was held in Cleveland at the Union Club and...

Happy Birthday LaGazzetta

May 2011
This month, La Gazzetta Italiana begins its 20th year of publication. In the beginning our monthly newspaper opened with a 20 pager and as advertisers came on board, our size increased. Presently we publish a 44 pager and on occasion a 48...

Around the Horn with Dominick Farinacci

May 2011
Dominick farinacci e' un trombettista jazz dal grande talento che affonda le radici nella zona di Campobasso. Nato nei dintorni di Cleveland, Dominick ha avuto la fortuna di poter dimostrare il suo talento nel momento giusto.. Oggi, affermato...

Off to the Murray Hill Market We Will Go!

April 2011
Little Italy ed University Circle possono ora vantarsi di un nuovo market store dove e' possible trovare prodotti importati e genuini, per le necessita' di tutti i giorni e per festivita' ed eventi speciali! In tempi di mega-magazzini e super...